Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Noun clause adalah clause (klausa) yang difungsikan sebagai noun. Seperti halnya single noun (i.e. bookperson, dst) dan noun phrase (i.e. this book, the one, dst), noun clause juga dapat digunakan sebagai subject kalimat dan object kalimat. Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
1.      Statement (pernyataan)
2.      Question (pertanyaan)
3.      Request (permintaan)
4.      Exclamation (seruan)
1.       I was reading a book when the bell rang
2.       The shoes your mother is wearing is made in Bandung
3.       What you said doesn’t convince me at all
4.       How he become so rich make people curious
5.       What the salesman has said is untrue
6.       That the world is round is a fact
7.       Boby told me that he had finished breakfast
8.       They always work hard to accomplish what they want
9.       She suggested that I read the book
10.   The fact that Doni always comes late doesn’t surprise me
       RUMUS :
·              Conjunction + S + Predicate + ……. (Object)
·           That + subject + verb (+ complement)
·          Wh-word + subject + verb ( + complement)

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